Sunday 9 January 2011

Section 11: Audience Feedback

Using the criteria that 1-VERY POOR. 2-POOR. 3-AVERAGE. 4-GOOD. 5-EXCELLENT An audience of 20 people watched our thriller and then filled in the questionaire.

From the data collected from Question One, we can gather that the majority of our audience enjoyed our thriller, finding it 'good', and only  a few below that found it 'Excellent'. Considering 3 people found it average, however 17 people found it good or excellent, we chose to consider that our thriller was succesfull in entertaining our audience.

From the data gathered from question 2, we established that it was close between 'Good' and 'Excellent'. As the majority found that the technical quality of sound was above average, we chose to interepret thhat our Thriller had a high technical quality of sound.

The majority of our audience found that the technical quality of editing was of a high standard, and only 4 people thought that the editing was 'average', and so we have concluded that the technical quality of editing was of a sufficient standard with regardng our audience.

As you can see here, a very high quantity of the audience found the continuity to be 'excellent', and a few people thought it to be good. No one found it to be average, or below, and so we have concluded that our thriller's continuity was of a high standard.
As you can see, no one thought that our Thriller didn't create suspense succesfully. And a high majority thought that we did, and only a few found the suspense created somewhat succesful. It has been decided that our attempts in creating suspense was succesful.
As you can see, no one thought that our Thriller didn't use a wide of camera angles succesfully. And a high majority thought that we did, and only a few found the camera angles were used succesfully. It has been decided that our attempts in creating suspense was succesful.

with 90%  of our audience saying that they would consider watching the rest of the film, we believe that our thriller was a sucess.

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