Wednesday 19 January 2011

Section 2: Research into examples of comparable products (MISERY)


Misery is a 1990 American psychological thriller film, based on Stephen King's 1987 novel of the same name. Directed by Rob Reiner, the film received critical acclaim for Kathy Bates' performance as the psychopathic Annie Wilkes. Bates won both the Academy Award for Best Actress and a Golden Globe. The film was ranked #12 on Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments

Narrative structure
  • Paul Sheldon is the first character to be presented to us, this gives us an indication that he is perhaps the protagonist, and this confirmed when we follow him through the car crash and as he is listening to fun and upbeat music. We are also made aware of the fact that Paul is a writer as we are shown him using a typewriter.
  • The only other character that is presented to us is Annie Wilkes who saves Paul from the crash, suggesting that she is also a protagonist, which creates the chance for a red herring when Annie becomes the Antagonist later in the film.

  • As the film begins it cuts to several CU shots of items (Cigarette and match, champagne flute, Champagne bottle) with Paul Sheldon typing out of focus behind the item. This displays the item as an item of importance, and it is only later we realise the importance of the items, that it is tradition for Paul to Drink that specific brand of champagne and to smoke after he finishes a novel. Also with Paul in the background typing, it gives the audience a clar indication that he is a writer.
  • After Paul has torn his finished page from the type writer, we see a MCU of Paul analysing the page very carefully. This suggests that Paul is a very analytical character and is of intelligence, could become useful later in the film.
  • When Paul assembles all his pages together and holds them in front of him, the camera cuts to a CU of the pages reading “UNTITLED: by Paul Sheldon” This suggest that Paul is also a very uncertain or unconfident character, which may impact his fate later in the film.
  • As the film starts, only the direct diegetic sound of Paul typing on his type writer can be heard over the silence, creating the sense of his aloneness and vulnerability.
  • After Paul has finished typing, non-diegetic, slow, high pitched piano music begins to play and the beats get closer and closer together, suggesting that someone or something dangerous and eerie is creeping closer to Paul.
  • In the car, the Diegetic sound of Paul’s car radio is heard. The song is rather upbeat and loud, perhaps mirroring Paul Sheldon’s personality and traits.
  • When the car crashes, the music stops and we are left with the direct sound of the wind and snow, giving the audience time to reflect on what has just happened

Camera work & editing
  • When Paul is driving, we are shown several POV shots from the driver’s seat. This places us in the characters shoes and indicates that he is to be a protagonist and that we are to follow him throughout the film, and are going to experience similar things. By putting the audience in Paul’s position, it creates a more dramatic impact when he suffers torture and torment and we feel we suffer them with him.
  • We are shown several XLS that pan across the snowy mountain sides. This creates a sense of isolation, as Paul is in the middle of nowhere and so no one is ready to help when he crashes, or when he is kept prisoner by Annie. Also, emphasis is made on the snow with the XLS and the CU/ECU of the car wheels on the snow/ice. This foreshadows the crash and the audience can sense approaching danger. This creates a rather tense atmosphere before any drama has occurred.

  • When Paul is in the Cabin writing, the cutting between shots is rather slow. This creates the calm and collected atmosphere of Paul as a writer, however when he is in the car, accompanied with the music, a joyous and exciting atmosphere is created with the fast cutting between shots., again mirroring the atmosphere. Also, when the car crashes the cutting speed is rather high, creating a fast paced and frightful atmosphere.

  • The graphics at the beginning of the film are red, connoting danger and death. However this could also connote Love, expressed in Annie’s love for Paul Sheldon and his work
Codes and Conventions
  • The film uses resourceful characters as seen in Paul and Buster. Paul Sheldon manages to collect the powder from his Novril and attempts to drug Annie, he also uses a hair clip as a key to escape his room and manages to roam the house and get to his room in time before Annie suspects anything. Buster also manages to solve the whereabouts of Paul via newspaper clippings and reading Paul’s novels.
  • The film follows the Partial Vision theory as at the start of the film we believe Annie to be a protagonist as she helps Paul from the car crash and nurses him back to consciousness. However it isn’t later until we realise Annie’s true intentions and that she had no intention of phoning for help once she had rescued Paul.

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