Tuesday 18 January 2011

Section 3: Brainstorm of content and classification of film

We decided that we would choose on a psychological thriller, as the questionnaires indicated that such a genre was in high demand. Although the Horror genre was more popular, it would not be possible to film a horror-thriller as the codes and conventions required for the film to be classed as such a genre (Violence/Gore/weapons) would not have been able to be added, as such resources are not available to us. Upon deciding on a psychological thriller we brainstormed Ideas.
Our Idea is that a woman kills her husband, however by the means of the codes and conventions of a thriller, this will be hid from the audience, and will be presented to them as though someone is breaking into the house to try kills her husband. However due to her mental instability, this is ficticious and is a figment of her imagination. 

The film follows the Question and Answer model. As the audience is aware that someone is breaking into the house and that Benjamin dies, however they are not made aware of the means. Keeping them asking questions as to what killed Benjamin and how the killer got in the house. It also follows the Concealment and Contraption Theory as many things are kept from the audience, including the fact that Ebony is mentally unstable and that she killed Benjamin. Ebony is also an example of the characters portrayed in The Heroic Romance theory, as she is an average housewife, with a seemingly normal life, but due to the circumstance of her husband’s death and her mental condition must adapt best she can. The film also follows the theory of Mazes and Labyrinth theory as throughout the film Ebony must pass through the metaphorical maze to find out who killed her husband and that it is reveald to be her follows the idea that 'anything can happen'

This however was not our original Idea. We had originally began to work on a film entitled 'Til Death do us Part', however the location was extremely difficult to find, as we intended to film in a church, and several churches that we sent E-mails to, were not willing to let us film. After a few weeks into the planning, we decided that it would be best to chnage our thriller idea and location, as the chances of a church accesible to us will let us film were slim. Or original brainstorm is posted below:

We have chosen that our film will be classified 15. As we intend to have some violence and strong language for scenes where our protagonist is psychologically disturbed and is angered that her husband has been killed. Violence will also be used when seeing the husband’s butchered body and how he came to be of such a state.
The film will not be certificate 18 as the violence isn’t rich and filled with gore and long lived, the strong language isn’t used throughout and nudity and sexual scenes do not appear.

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