Tuesday 25 January 2011

Production Diary

16th December
Today we planned to film at our original Location, Fay Smith’s House. After setting up the camera, the lights and hiring our actress, the camera battery we had, ran out of power and with us having no spare we were forced to change the date we filmed. Which although was an annoyance, could be beneficial as Fay, who ordered hired the Camera, forgot to pick up a tripod, so a variety of shot angles could not be achieved.
Thursday 6th January
We were set to film again today at Jessie Pope’s house (My Grandmother), After setting up the camera, I had realised that I had forgotten to pick up a tape, and so filming could not be done this night either.
Friday 7th January
After picking up several tapes, to ensure that we would definitely film tonight, we set up at Jessie Pope’s house. We managed to get all our filming done in the space of 2 hours, however not without problems. As a member of our group selfishly decided that she would no longer attend the shoot, there was only 3 of us, including the actress (Myself and Danielle Nunnery. Fay had already indicated she had personal matters to attend to earlier that week).
       At a specific part in the narrative, when Ebony believes a person is trying to get into her house, there is violent knocking at the front door, AND at the back door, which could have been achieved had the other member of the group turned up, as she could have knocked on the back door, while Danielle knocked on the front, and I filmed the actress. Therefore we had to work around this and I feel that we did so effectively, Danielle would knock on the front door, and I would knock on the back door, and our actress would press the record button herself and then begin to act, and we could cut out what was recorded before she began to act in the editing.
            We also encountered a problem when it came to blood. As several shots required blood. We at first decided to use red food colouring, however we only had a small amount of it, and after one shot, and we ran out. I then suggested we use beetroot juice, however when this was being washed off the actresses hands for one of the last shots, or when it was poured on the floor, it looked too much like beetroot juice, being it left a pink stain. However we, at this moment in time, have yet to resolve this; however I am sure that something can be done in the editing suit. Also, we originally intended to have a shot of white sheets, covered with blood; however the location owner dismissed the idea. Therefore we had a shot of our actors’ hand covered in blood, which gave a similar effect.
Monday 10th January
Today we managed to capture all of our footage. However there was a slight problem with the last shot where Ebony looks into the mirror and screams. As our actress wasn’t staring into the mirror the way I had envisioned first when we began filming. I stopped her by saying ‘cut’, however forgot to press the record button again to stop it. So when I pressed it again, hoping to record the right footage, it had stopped recording, which meant that the footage on the film, was of me telling the actress how I wanted her to act and blocking the scene.
                Therefore I decided that we would not capture this footage, and the last shot would be of the actors’ hand covered in blood.
Tuesday 11th January
Today we managed to place roughly half of our captured footage in order. At first we encountered a problem with a continuation error between the transition of the shots between when Ebony scoops the tea into a teabag and when she scoops the sugar. The kettle hadn’t began to make any noise in one shot, then in the next was making a lot of noise, so it sounded like the kettle just began to rapidly boil within a split second. Therefore I managed to make the sound of the kettle fade in, making it seem that the kettle gradually came to a rapid boil.
                Also, as we had used a phone that wasn’t plugged in we would have to use sound effects, and all the sound effects that were available to us were rather old fashioned, and the phone we used was a digital one, and so it wouldn’t look realistic as this particular phone wouldn’t make such a noise. Luckily after several minutes of extensive search, I found a sound effect that sounds realistic. After adding this, in order to make it seem more realistic and to make it more believable that this phone was in fact making this noise, just before Ebony picked up the phone I cut down the sound of one of the rings, making it last for a quarter of the time, and then cutting it off as she picked it up. I also noticed that when the phone began to ring, our actress picked up the phone far too quickly, making it evident that she was ready at the phone to answer it. To make it look like the phone began to ring a small while before Ebony made it there to pick it up, I cut and copied the first few seconds of the shot, where the phone sits alone and pasted it several times before she answers the phone, creating the illusion that the phone rang for a while before Ebony answers it.
 Wednesday 12th January
Today I and Danielle were in an exam, and Fay did not have my password and so no editing could be done today.
Friday 14th January
Today we managed to finish placing all the shots in order. Again we encountered a problem when the actress is supposed to lock the back door due to the constant banging, however she runs to the door to quickly, so it appears she is ready at the door, and it fails to create the suspense that we intend at this point. And so, similar to the phone, cut and copy the first few seconds of the shot (just the door) and paste it a few times before she opens the door, this would also have to be done with the sound, to create the effect that someone is banging at the door for a while before she manages to lock it. After everything was in order, we decided that the beetroot did not look like blood enough and so we may lose marks. And so we changed the last few shots to black and white, as though a flash back, this way the beetroot would look a lot more like blood, and after adding the final piece of music it would add to the ambience.
Monday 17th JanuaryToday Fay Smith looked at graphics that could be useful for the credits. We looked on the websire http://www.dafont.com/. Fay shortlisted 'American Brovado', 'Lolita scorned' and'broke'n. Fay Attempted top edit these on Fireworks before adding it to the blog, however it seemed nearly impossible and would take too much time to perfect. We decided that we would use the font 'Times New Roman on premier pro, top avoid the cliched fonts, and to reduce the time it would take. We also discussed music, we managed to cut the time limit on the final piece of music and have found 3 pieces of music that would work well for when Ebony hears a noise and could possibly make the audience jump. In editing we found certain parts that hadn’t been captured too well as there are certain shots that have one extra snapshot frame, of a different shot. We therefore deleted these and we downloaded the music and should be ready to add them next lesson.
Tuesday18th January
Today I noticed that the last few shots, where we intend to place the credits, did not last long enough for the credit to appear on screen long enough for the audience to read. Therefore on the shot of the phone covered with blood, and the shot of the blooded floor, I copied them and pasted them twice more, to make it seem like the shot lasted longer, and so the credits would be in on screen long enough for the audience to see.
Wednesday 20th January
Today we came to a final decision on which font we would use for the credits. After adding the music, I noticed that the non diegetic background music I added to the video had overwritten the sounds of the banging on the door and the sound of the phone ringing. So I had to spend the whole lesson re applying all the sound and sound effects. Next Lesson we should be ready to apply credits and then we should be finished.

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